On October 15, 2014, the Huntsville Committee of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Committee reviewed a proposal to subdivide an existing waterfront lot into two. As we have noted previously, the LWRA opposed the proposal, because there is insufficient frontage to create two lots, according to Huntsville's Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The committees supported our position and defeated the proposal.
The applicant appealed this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, and the case was heard on April 16. The Town chose not to defend the Council's decision. The arbiter, J. E. Sniezek, reserved his decision.
UPDATE: on May 25, Mr. Sniezek issued a decision in favour of the applicant. He noted that the LWRA focused on the frontage deficiency according to the Town's zoning by-law and Official Plan, while the "... overwhelming ... planning evidence supports the application for consent and mnor varance and the board will allow the appeals and grant provisional consent ..."