Charles Wilson

Submitted by lwrawebmaster on Tue, 12/17/2019 - 15:57

Hi, I cannot agree to the whole document.  I am not opposed to it, but I do find that these type of promises can be overly broad and its best to stick to the basics because you don’t know what will arise before it arises.  There are always unknown unknowns which comes up.






I agree that:


1) The lakes are an important economic, social, and environmental part of Huntsville and the District.


2) Development will continue to take place on Huntsville's Lakes (including changes to existing dwellings and conversion of seasonal cottages to year round homes), as lake capacity and water quality allow.


3) Development decisions must consider the potential impact on lake water quality, surrounding watersheds, surrounding lands, and the biodiversity of the area.


4) Development should respect and follow the Planning Act, including the Provincal Policy Statment and the Official Plan.


5) Revisions to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law should reflect the principles laid out in the Planning Act, the Provincal Policy Statment, the Muskoka and Huntsville Official Plans and the jurisprudance in the Common Law of the Province of Ontario.


If elected in October 2018, I agree to follow the Planning Act, and the Municipal Act in my decisions as a member of the Huntsville Council as well as all committees on which I might sit.


Name:     Charles Wilson


Date:      October 1, 2018



General Release