
December 14, 2009
Jacqui Tschekalin
Development Coordinator, Town of Huntsville
37 Main St. East,
Huntsville, Ontario
P1H 1A1


Re: Z/50/2009/HTE (Schulman/Ganz)

Dear Ms. Tschekalin:

First of all, please amend your records to reflect our correct mailing address, as above. The misaddressing resulted in your letter being delayed until December 12.

We can advise you that the lot under consideration is of moderate slope, being less than 20% grade to the water. The existing lot is well vegetated, the existing boathouse is moderate in size and height and the existing dock is unobtrusive. The existing overall cumulative shoreline activity area appears to meet the requirements of the Official Plan.  We note that the shape and area of the existing lot does not make it possible to fully comply with the setback requirements of SR-5 zoning, but that the proposed redevelopment would result in a slightly increased front setback compared to the existing structure.

While the area of the existing structure is not given, the footprint of the proposed replacement structure appears to be larger, but still within the SR-5 limit of 5%. The overall size of 2100 square feet is larger than some  neighbouring residences but not unusual for the lake as a whole. No data have been provided regarding the septic system itself, the number of existing fixture units and bedrooms or the number of proposed fixture units and bedrooms, but we have spoken to the owner and are told the existing system is only 10 to 12 years old and will be reused, the number of bedrooms will be unchanged from the existing structure and the only additional plumbing demand will be an additional shower. We would therefore have no concern over the existing system’s age and ask only for verification that the capacity is there to handle the small increase in fixture load. We also note that while no dimensions are given, it appears by visual comparison that the existing septic system location may be closer than permitted to the proposed building footprint. We are asking for clarification in this matter, but have been advised by the architect that there is sufficient room to relocate the septic system if necessary.

The existing structure blends well into the surrounding landscape, minimizing the impact on the vista enjoyed by the neighbours directly across the small bay. We would like to ensure that the visual impact remains low and are asking that provisions to minimize the visual impact on the vista by blending the finished structure into the natural environment and minimizing light spillage through site plan agreement provisions regarding dark sky/downward aimed lighting and exterior finish. Both the owner and the architect are in agreement with this design philosophy.

In consideration of the above, we believe that the overall design is consistent with the character of the lake and the requested exception will bring the property into closer compliance with the zoning by-law without compromising the intent of either the Official Plan or the Lake Plan.

Please keep us advised of the progress of this application, including copies of any relevant materials and the date and time of the Public Meeting.


Dwayne Verhey, Secretary, LWRA

General Release