Camp Huronda's Southern Parcel

Submitted by lwrawebmaster on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 15:25

The Origin of the Camp Huronda Property at the South End of Lake Waseosa


John Charles Risk began practicing law early in the 1930s.  A few years later, in the midst of the depression, he acquired the Waseosa property from a client who was unable to pay his bill in any other way.  His sons, from whom this information comes, say that their father told him that it was a time when cash would have been far more welcome than a piece of land.


John Risk and a friend took a canoe trip that took them through the property (the sons are not sure, exactly when this was but presumably it was sometime in the 1940s). They discovered nothing more than the chimney of a building that was supposed to be on the plot of land.  The parents and one of the sons visited the property in the 1950s or 1960s, but all that is known about that trip was the son's complaint that it involved a long walk.  Another brother visited the property later in a rented boat.  Throughout this period there were hopes of using the property and lots of talk about the possibility of getting access by road.  Eventually John Risk decided that there was no hope, and gave the property to Camp Huronda.  One of the sons believes that this transaction occurred around 1980.


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