Camp Huronda

Camp Huronda 2018 zoning application -- Response from LWRA

This is the text of our response to the Town regarding the 2018 Camp Huronda zoning application:

(attached below are the application documents)

Re: Z/24/2018/HTE - Canadian Diabetes Association - 1252 S Waseosa Lk Rd

The LWRA has a long history of working with the Canadian Diabetes Association and Camp Huronda to support a sustainable growth while they struggle to meet the demand for this unique facility. We have found this organization to be a responsible corporate partner respecting both the character and ecosystem of the lake.

Murder Most Foul

Submitted by lwrawebmaster on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 15:31

Old stories abound about a murder that took place on the west side of Waseosa. The location has been variously given as the Solave farm (the site of present-day Camp Huronda) or the Edwards home. There are varying recollections about the heinous details, even as to how many people were involved.

Camp Huronda's Southern Parcel

Submitted by lwrawebmaster on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 15:25

The Origin of the Camp Huronda Property at the South End of Lake Waseosa


John Charles Risk began practicing law early in the 1930s.  A few years later, in the midst of the depression, he acquired the Waseosa property from a client who was unable to pay his bill in any other way.  His sons, from whom this information comes, say that their father told him that it was a time when cash would have been far more welcome than a piece of land.


Camp Huronda

Located on South Waseosa Lake Camp Huronda provides children living with type 1 diabetes with opportunities to enjoy an authentic camp experience while having all of their diabetes needs monitored by a dedicated team of trained medical professionals.

Camp Huronda is owned and operated but the Canadian Diabetes Association and is one of 12 D-Camps operated across the country.