Camp Huronda 2018 zoning application -- Response from LWRA

This is the text of our response to the Town regarding the 2018 Camp Huronda zoning application:

(attached below are the application documents)

Re: Z/24/2018/HTE - Canadian Diabetes Association - 1252 S Waseosa Lk Rd

The LWRA has a long history of working with the Canadian Diabetes Association and Camp Huronda to support a sustainable growth while they struggle to meet the demand for this unique facility. We have found this organization to be a responsible corporate partner respecting both the character and ecosystem of the lake.

There are some differences between this application and the 2008/9 application that we previously supported. In 2008, they proposed to expand 6 cabins and add a new staff building along with a number of other changes to various facilities. This would have increased their total capacity from 172 (92 campers + 50 staff) to 260 (136 + 124).

To facilitate the increase they installed a state-of-the-art tertiary septic treatment system with a total design capacity of 290 persons. The redevelopment process slowed when funding fell through but piecemeal changes have increased occupancy to approximately 200 total by squeezing more beds in existing space. Therefore the new septic system is currently well under capacity and part of the continuing redevelopment is the decommissioning of old septic fields as connections can be made to the tertiary system.

Programming changes have also been made. Elimination of the horseback riding program and removal of the barn reduces potential untreated runoff. New on-shore facilities such as the climbing wall ensures on-shore and off-shore activities remain balanced and sustainable.  While past themes that might be considered cultural appropriation today have been eliminated, the underlying respect for and appreciation of nature, the lake and their neighbours remains a part of their core programming, and is reflected in their development planning process.

This proposal to add 3 additional cabins and washroom facilities replaces the original intention to expand existing cabins and add washrooms in those cabins. At this time, they will not be increasing the capacity beyond the current 200; they will be using the space to reduce crowding. That said, there will be sufficient space and system capacity to add more beds in the future as funding and future facilities permit.

In closing, while the details have changed the overall intent and effect has not. The LWRA is pleased and proud to continue supporting Camp Huronda's careful and thoughtful redevelopment process, including this application.

On behalf of the LWRA Board of Directors,-

Dwayne Verhey,


