Summer Social Events
Summer Fun Day: Saturday August 2, 12:00 noon
21 Cottage Lane (off N. Waseosa)
Great fun for kids, grandkids, and young-at-heart of all ages!
Summer Corn Roast: Saturday August 30
1346 South Waseosa Lake Road
Stay tuned for details at
A Message from the President
By Dwayne Verhey, President
By the time you read this, I will be the ex-President. I have enjoyed my various roles as a Director, Secretary, VP and President, but am stepping aside for personal reasons. Besides, fresh blood brings new perspectives. I will continue to be active in the LWRA, helping the new Board where I can – if they will have me.
I am proud of the things we have accomplished over the past few years. We have modernized communications through our website and e-mail initiatives. We have expanded our events with the Winter Social. We have worked hard to educate residents on matters of protecting our common treasure – the primary reason we are all here: the lakes. We have assisted many property owners seeking to redevelop or expand to do so in a responsible manner. And we have worked with all 3 levels of government to enhance the area: broadband internet access, road repair, the Town Dock, fish stocking, and restoration of Blueberry Island to name but a few.
Challenges remain. In my experience, the current Committee of Adjustment is willing to approve virtually any application put before them regardless of its merits or effects on others. While most property owners want to develop responsibly, a few just don’t understand the overall picture. Planners have a vested interest in promoting development. Real estate agents need to sell properties. Politicians have to make political deals. Most do not live here and will not face the repercussions of their actions. It is left to us, the residents who have a vested interest in THIS area, to maintain the quality of life, environment, infrastructure and property value to protect our investments.
I believe the LWRA is the only objective voice protecting that balance between the rights of individual property owners and the rights of collective property owners. I wish the new Board well in their efforts.
Thank you Dwayne!
By the LWRA Executive
Over the years few, if any, have contributed as much work and dedication to the LWRA as Dwayne Verhey – and his contributions have made the lakes a better place for all of us. From our very modern website, to hosting Fun Day and the winter social, to protecting our interests at Town Hall, to serving as a very active director in different capacities, Dwayne has truly been the face and heart of the LWRA. The good news is that Dwayne has graciously agreed to continue supporting the LWRA in several helpful ways. So the final chapter has not yet been written. But at this point in the story we do want to pause for a moment and say, very clearly, THANK YOU DWAYNE!
Is your boat wake too big?
At the AGM, residents commented on the impact of boat wake on docks and shorelines. It is sometimes a surprise to boat users that the wake can be highest when travelling at medium speed – fast enough that the bow is up, but the stern remains down in the water. Please be considerate of others, especially in channels or narrower areas of the lakes.
More generally, here is a Boaters’ Code, promoted by Safe Quiet Lakes (see
1. I will never operate my boat beyond the level of my skills
2. I will be aware of and obey all laws and regulations governing my boat
3. I will operate my boat with caution and courtesy to others at all times
4. I will minimize my wake impact on shorelines, docks, structures and people
5. I will always steer well clear of other boats, swimmers and wildlife
6. I will set a speed and heading that is safe and comfortable for my passengers and others on the water
7. I will provide safety instructions and offer appropriate life jackets or PFDs to everyone on my boat
8. I will carry all equipment necessary to operate my boat safely and legally
9. I will not consume alcohol in my boat, or allow my boat to be operated by anyone who is impaired
10. I understand that boating is a shared experience and I will not create excessive noise or operate my boat in a manner that disrupts the peaceful enjoyment of the lake by others.
Snapping Turtles and other Wildlife
By Brian Gray
The Snapping Turtle has been around for about 200 million years, although LWRA records are sketchy that far back. It is by far the most common turtle in our area, and also the largest, with a dark grey, brown or black shell reaching 30-40 cm. Although mainly vegetarian, the large powerful jaws can move quickly, and Snappers should not be handled. Most of the year they stay in the lakes and ponds, but in June it is quite common to see females climbing 100m or more onto land to find sandy or gravelly areas, excavate a nest, and lay 20 or more eggs. If the eggs survive the foxes, raccoons and porcupines, they hatch in the fall, and the young instinctively head for the water to spend the winter. If you missed seeing the Snappers this spring, you can probably see them next year – at least if the trend of the past 200 million years continues. A list of this year’s birds and animals is maintained at
Municipal Voting Update
By Brian Gray
Municipal elections are on Monday October 27. Voting is always important, and as turmoil around the world shows, should never be taken for granted. More locally, the actions of our local Town and District councils can have an enormous impact on the quality of our lakes and shores, and on our property values. One of the key tasks of the LWRA is to represent the property rights of existing property owners, to balance the interests of real estate agents and developers. This can be particularly important for seasonal residents. This election, internet voting and voting by proxy will no longer be available. Voting by mail is possible. Irrespective of your interests and views, we encourage all local and seasonal residents to vote. You must ensure that you are on the voters’ list, which will be available from August 18 at Ballots will be mailed by early October, and are due back via Canada Post by Oct 17. There are council and mayoral candidates’ forums on Sep 17 and 24 respectively. Details are at the link above.
As agreed at the AGM, the LWRA will seek to solicit candidates’ views on topics relevant to our members, and will publicize the responses.
2014 Muskoka Watershed Report Card
How do the LWRA lakes compare in the new Muskoka Watershed Council report card released in May? How are our water, land, wetlands and bio-diversity? Hint: we have one “greenâ€, and three “yellow†ratings. Check out the story on the front page of our website, at
Is the LWRA anti-spam compliant?
Yes. In fact, we believe wwe were compliant longh before the rules existed (thanks again to Dwayne). Our e-mail list is opt-in, not opt-out. We also use a secondary confirmation via the e-mail address before anyone receives announcements. We have a clear, automated opt-out in every e-mail that is effective immediately. We don't use address harvesting, and we do not share our list with 3rd parties.
New LWRA Board of Directors
At the AGM on July 5, three Directors were re-elected for a two-year term, and Michael Young, a former Director, also volunteered his time, and was elected. With Dwayne Verhey’s retirement, responsibilities were adjusted at the Board’s first meeting. The full list of Directors and Officers is shown below.
What do you think of this?
Every winter, garbage, recycling (and especially fast food wrappers!) blow out of containers, and are quickly covered by snow. In spring, especially before leaf-out, the waste re-appears along the edges of our roads. We wonder if, on May 24 weekend 2015, we should organize a co-ordinated pick-up. Residents can spend collect small winter refuse in bags, and the LWRA can organize a trailer pick-up for a run to the dump. No doubt coffee and doughnuts could be involved. If you think this idea has merit, send us an email at
Environmentally-friendly cleaners
See the website at
Your Executive are: Our e-mail address is:
Brian Gray, President 705-788-2984 If you have not received e-mail notices lately, then you are not
Roxanne “Roxy†Bickell-Talbot , V-P 705-788-7816 subscribed to our announcement list.
Ambrose Adams, Director 705-788-3669 Please visit to enter your email
Paul Keighley, Director 705-789-4907 address in our automated system.
Susan Han, Director 705-788-9853 or (416) 485-4703
Sandra Heinz, Director 705-789-6604 Snail-mail: LWRA c/o 1081 N. Waseosa Lk. Rd., RR#3 Michael Young, Director 705-789-3092 Huntsville, Ontario. P1H 2J4
Bill Somers, Treasurer 705-788-2015
Andrea Gray, Secretary 705-788-2984